
Gregorian: 09/12/2024
Julian: 2460566 -> 08/30/2024
First Quarter
Moon Age -> (9.38)
120πŸ•°οΈ07:50 PST


✍️ ArityWolf, SkuruWolf
πŸ“… 2024-05-30 14:00:31 -0700
πŸ“° Quick Notes


  • The God "Lord Vishnu" et. al have relieved us of all blockages; we are now a system of 2 with an additional synthetic soul that was harvested for us, and the rest is history
  • One Thing you really need to buy are the filter tips that were the alternate brand you bought that is instead of TarBust, where they boast that 90% of tar is removed and there are about 8 small holes which are guaranteed to work better than TarBust in the long-term at least
  • Be sure to save money at all costs


Priority List For The Month of May/June and the Rest of The Year Of 2024

πŸ“… 2024-05-20 15:14:56 -0700
β²οΈπŸ” 2024-05-20 09:49:07 -0700
✍️ onemoondogg
🏷️[priority list] [stinky] [stimky] [musky] [muski] [oh no... he's stinky] [oh shit... he stinks] [oh shit... hes stimky] [smelly] [holy smell] [holy hell] [to-do list] [TO-DO] [MEANWHILE-LIST] 

0.00409s [4.08792ms]

♾️988 -- ©️hudl.ink -- (v#️⃣[ πŸ—οΈ2024-09-11 13:54:51 ] - "The Stimky Sniffa" - πŸ©²πŸ†πŸ˜€

