
Gregorian: 09/12/2024
Julian: 2460566 -> 08/30/2024
First Quarter
Moon Age -> (9.38)
120πŸ•°οΈ07:52 PST


Priority List For The Month of May/June and the Rest of The Year Of 2024

πŸ“… 2024-05-20 15:14:56 -0700
β²οΈπŸ” 2024-05-20 09:49:07 -0700
✍️ onemoondogg
🏷️[priority list] [stinky] [stimky] [musky] [muski] [oh no... he's stinky] [oh shit... he stinks] [oh shit... hes stimky] [smelly] [holy smell] [holy hell] [to-do list] [TO-DO] [MEANWHILE-LIST] 

πŸ–₯️...⌨️ List of things to accomplish over the next month or so, as a PRIORITY LIST:


A meanwhile list is what is done while working on the longer-term priority list

  1. Draw at least once everyday
  2. Post to DeviantArt at least once everyday
  3. Post to x.com at least once everyday
  4. Play games
    1. Notably: Baulder's Gate 3 as it revolutionizes gameplay for RPGs.
    2. 9th Saga III
      1. Buy for mother + steam client and user account
    3. GOG.com
    4. Neverwinter Nights
      1. A Summer's Dream
  5. Conceptualize any side-projects
    1. Write things down more as blog post entires on onemoondogg on meta-game.info (here)
      1. BashAssetFinal engine
      2. Twitter log posts


0. draw on paper more often, work with the neutri (0) more often, write spells more often, write in impact notation more often, do drugs less often

  1. Create "containers" for the gallery system -- CONCURRENT V
    1. Work in Second Life and work on a command system which interacts with the server in various ways
      1. Disregard much when it comes to an LLM or GPT ai on Second Life, as trimming and making a history will take too many tokens...
  2. Work on Rustby
  3. BashAssetFinal engine/Server Backend Implements:
    1. Fundamental::: 
      1.  Create unlimited Asset system for server backend hudl.ink etc, and;
        1. Create an unlimited Asset system that interacts with a WebRick Partitioned array database/LineDB Database, which;
          1. All interfaces with it using Ruby's URI / the net-uri gem
    2. Work on Ruby Webrick module for GET/POST requests on the partitioned array using net-URI interactions with that particular rubygem
    3. Rustby
      1. create a pre-compiler that converts the required ruby scripts into bytecode, and may usually contain the entire script's source code in one file or more
        1. includes the file(s) as a string and uses the magnus Rust VM to eval each file or single bytecode file, which is probably a double eval
          1. The Rustby VM uses an eval, and within the Ruby magnus VM an eval is called; generally speaking if it is done this way it is just a single .rbc ruby bytecode file that requires everything
      2. Create a msys64 distribution system 
        1. A distribution system for the required ruby folders on windows, which includes all required gems that is needed to play the game
          1. perhaps some obfuscation as to where the file goes, although you might be able to see it anyways in the File's script to include the ruby bin path in particular
          1. https://stinky.zip -- human game version
          2. https://stimky.zip -- furry game version


0.00094s [0.93603ms]

♾️816,721 -- ©️hudl.ink -- (v#️⃣[ πŸ—οΈ2024-09-11 13:54:51 ] - "The Stimky Sniffa" - πŸ©²πŸ†πŸ˜€

